
Revenue Divisions

A Revenue division is headed by Revenue Divisional Officer in the rank of Sub – Collector in Cadre of I.A.S or a Deputy Collector. He is the Sub Divisional Magistrate having jurisdiction over his division. An Administrative Officer in the Cadre of Tahsildar assists in administration. The Sub-divisional Offices are a replica of Collectorate in the matter of a number of sections and they act as an intermediary in the administrative setup. The division consists of a few Mandals whose performance is constantly monitored by the concerned Divisional Office.

The District is divided into (3) Divisions. They are Medak, Narsapur and Toopran Divisions.


Officer Details
Sl.No Division Name of the officer Designation Contact. No. Email ID
1 Medak G. Ambadas Rajeshwar Revenue Divisional Officer 9346999257 rdo[dot]medak[at]gmail[dot]com
2 Narsapur V. Srinivasulu Revenue Divisional Officer 9346999257 rdonarsapur[at]gmail[dot]com
3 Toopran M. Jaya Chandra Reddy Revenue Divisional Officer 9346999260 rdotoopran[at]gmail[dot]com