Mines & Geology
Particulars of Organization, Functions & Duties:
The Office of the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology, Medak is sub-ordinate District Office under the Directorate of Mines & Geology, Hyderabad Government of Telangana is located in Integrated Collectorate Complex, G-Block Room No.15, Pillikotiyal, Medak-502 110.
The main functions include
- To assist the Government in the grant of mineral concessions for Major & Minor Minerals and to collect the Mineral Revenue to Government.
- To assist the Government in administering various Rules, Acts and regulations relating to Mineral concessions.
- Receipt and processing the applications received in the District for grant of Reconnaissance permits, Prospecting Licence, Mining Leases, Quarry Leases and offering Technical opinion to Government for grant of leases.
- Inspection of Mines to ensure systematic mining verification of accounts of the lessees and guidance for proper exploitation of Mineral keeping the conservation point also in view.
- Prevention of illicit mining and transportation of minerals.
- Field Investigation for exploration and Prospecting of Mineral Deposits in District.
- Rendering advice to entrepreneurs for establishment of mineral-based industries in District.
- Persuasion with various Government Engineering Departments for speedy recovery and remittance of Seigniorage charges for Public works executed through contractors.
- Persuasion for recovery of evasion of Seigniorage Fee/Royalty referred by Regional Vigilance & Enforcement Department
- Flying Squads for Monitoring & Checking Mining Matter for Prevention of Illegal Mining & Transportation as District Level Task Force.