1 |
Geographical Area |
Sq. km |
2757.37 |
2 |
Divisions / Villages / Gram Panchayats / Mandals / Mandal Praja Parishads: |
a |
Revenue Divisions |
Nos. |
3 |
b |
Revenue Mandals |
Nos. |
20 |
c |
Mandal Praja Parishads |
Nos. |
15 |
d |
Revenue Villages |
Nos. |
381 |
e |
Gram Panchayats |
Nos. |
320 |
3 |
Population as per 2011 Census: |
a |
Total Population |
Nos. |
767428 |
b |
Male |
Nos. |
378654 |
c |
Female |
Nos. |
388774 |
d |
Sex Ratio |
Ratio |
1027 |
e |
Rural |
Nos. |
708574 |
f |
Urban |
Nos. |
58854 |
g |
% of Urban Population |
% |
7.67 |
h |
% of Rural Population |
% |
92.33 |
i |
No. of Households |
Nos. |
168677 |
j |
Household size |
Nos. |
5 |
k |
Density of Population |
No. per sq.kms. |
278 |
l |
Growth Rate |
Rate |
10.85 |
4 |
Child Population (0 – 6 Years ): |
a |
Total |
Nos. |
93874 |
b |
Male |
Nos. |
48247 |
c |
Female |
Nos. |
45627 |
d |
Rural |
Nos. |
87353 |
e |
Urban |
Nos. |
6521 |
Sex Ratio |
Ratio |
946 |
5 |
Literates: |
a |
Total |
Nos. |
377984 |
b |
Male |
Nos. |
223069 |
c |
Female |
Nos. |
154915 |
Literacy Rate |
d |
Total |
% |
56.12 |
e |
Male |
% |
67.51 |
f |
Female |
% |
45.15 |
6 |
Scheduled Castes Population: |
a |
Total |
Nos. |
127970 |
% of SC Population |
% |
16.68 |
b |
Male |
Nos. |
61673 |
c |
Female |
Nos. |
66297 |
Sex Ratio |
Ratio |
955 |
7 |
Scheduled Tribes Population: |
a |
Total Population |
Nos. |
72900 |
b |
% of ST Population |
% |
9.5 |
c |
Male |
Nos. |
36854 |
d |
Female |
Nos. |
36046 |
Sex Ratio |
Ratio |
978 |
8 |
The population as per Samagra Kutumba Survey (SKS): |
a |
Households |
Nos. |
219492 |
b |
Total Population |
Nos. |
789074 |
c |
Scheduled Castes Population |
Nos. |
141474 |
d |
Scheduled Tribes Population |
Nos. |
81586 |
e |
Backward Castes Population |
Nos. |
493996 |
f |
Others |
Nos. |
72018 |
9 |
Workers: |
a |
Total Workers |
Nos. |
385810 |
b |
Main Workers |
Nos. |
318666 |
c |
Marginal Workers |
Nos. |
67144 |
10 |
Rainfall: 2018-19 |
a |
Normal Rainfall From 01-06-2018 Up to 05-11-2018 |
mms. |
837.6 |
b |
Actual Rainfall From 01-06-2018 Up to 05-11-2018 |
mms. |
501.9 |
c |
Deviation |
% |
-40 |
11 |
Agriculture: |
11. i |
Geographical Area |
Hects |
275737 |
a |
Forest Area |
Hects |
49792 |
b |
Barren & Uncultivable area |
Hects |
16695 |
c |
Land Put to Non-Agriculture Use |
Hects |
0 |
c |
Land Put to Non-Agriculture Use |
Social forestry |
Hects |
328 |
c |
Land Put to Non-Agriculture Use |
Land under still Water |
Hects |
12512 |
c |
Land Put to Non-Agriculture Use |
Other Use |
Hects |
3899 |
c |
Land Put to Non-Agriculture Use |
Total |
Hects |
16739 |
d |
Culturable Waste |
Hects |
4701 |
e |
Permanent Pastures |
Hects |
6773 |
f |
Land under Misc. Trees |
Hects |
1425 |
g |
Other Fallow Land |
Hects |
32295 |
h |
Current Fallow Land |
Hects |
71010 |
i |
Net Area Sown |
Kharif |
Hects |
75877 |
i |
Net Area Sown |
Rabi |
Hects |
430 |
i |
Net Area Sown |
Total |
Hects |
76307 |
j |
Dugwells |
Nos. |
823 |
k |
Tube Wells |
Nos. |
60803 |
l |
Surface flow irrigation |
Nos. |
2407 |
m |
Surface lift irrigation |
Nos. |
1828 |
Total |
Nos. |
65861 |
11. ii |
Land Holdings: 2015-16 Census |
a |
Total |
Nos. |
264814 |
b |
Marginal (up to 1 Hect.) |
Nos. |
205870 |
c |
Small (1-2 Hects.) |
Nos. |
46396 |
d |
Semi medium (2-4 Hects.) |
Nos. |
10421 |
e |
Medium (4-10 Hects.) |
Nos. |
1940 |
f |
Large (10 Hects. and above) |
Nos. |
187 |
11. iii |
The area under 2017-18 Kharif |
a |
Rice |
Hects. |
45317 |
b |
Jowar |
Hects. |
463 |
c |
Maize |
Hects. |
18652 |
d |
Red gram |
Hects. |
2738 |
e |
Green gram |
Hects. |
2063 |
f |
Black gram |
Hects. |
757 |
g |
Sugarcane (Gur) |
Hects. |
1120 |
h |
Cotton |
Hects. |
12347 |
12 |
Livestock Population: |
a |
Total Livestock Population (without dogs) |
Nos. |
811586 |
b |
Cattle |
Nos. |
138250 |
c |
Buffaloes |
Nos. |
133493 |
d |
Sheep |
Nos. |
365567 |
e |
Goat |
Nos. |
162813 |
f |
Others |
Nos. |
11463 |
g |
Poultry |
Nos. |
2968116 |
13 |
Veterinary facilities: |
a |
Veterinary Poly Clinics |
Nos. |
0 |
b |
Veterinary Hospitals |
Nos. |
3 |
c |
Veterinary Dispensaries |
Nos. |
29 |
d |
Rural Live Stock Units, including Mobile veterinary Clinics |
Nos. |
35 |
14 |
Hospitals: |
a |
i. Govt. Hospitals, Allopathic(including PHCs) |
Nos. |
20 |
ii. Dispensaries |
Nos. |
0 |
b |
Govt. Hospitals, Ayurvedic (including Dispensaries) |
Nos. |
11 |
c |
Govt. Hospitals Homeopathy (including Dispensaries) |
Nos. |
3 |
d |
Govt. Hospitals, Unani (including Dispensaries) |
Nos. |
2 |
e |
Govt. Hospitals Naturopathy (including Dispensaries) |
Nos. |
1 |
f |
No. of Doctors in all Govt. Hospitals(including contract Doctors) |
Nos. |
50 |
g |
No. of Beds in all Govt. Hospitals |
Nos. |
204 |
15 |
Education: |
15. i |
No. of Institutions: |
a |
Degree Colleges(including Private and Aided) |
Nos. |
14 |
b |
Junior Colleges |
Nos. |
36 |
c |
Schools(including Elementary, UPS, High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools) |
Nos. |
935 |
d |
Engineering Colleges (including Private) |
Nos. |
1 |
e |
Polytechnic(including Private) |
Nos. |
1 |
f |
Medical Colleges (including Private) |
Nos. |
0 |
15. ii |
Students enrolled in Colleges: |
a |
Degree Colleges(including Private and Aided) |
Nos. |
7497 |
b |
Junior Colleges |
Nos. |
17924 |
c |
Schools (including Elementary, UPS, High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools) |
Nos. |
128746 |
16 |
Minorities Welfare |
a |
Residential Education Institutions |
Nos. |
2 |
b |
Students |
Nos. |
244 |
17 |
Kalyana Lakshmi and Shaadi Mubarak Scheme |
a |
Total Applications |
Nos. |
3641 |
b |
Sanctioned |
Nos. |
2529 |
18 |
Social Welfare |
a |
No of Hostels |
Nos. |
26 |
b |
No of Students |
Nos. |
2602 |
19 |
Tribal Welfare |
a |
No of Hostels |
Nos. |
11 |
b |
No of Students |
Nos. |
1154 |
20 |
BC Welfare |
a |
No of Hostels |
Nos. |
24 |
b |
No of Students |
Nos. |
2053 |
21 |
a. Pensions |
Nos. |
101547 |
a |
Nos. |
36776 |
b |
Weavers |
Nos. |
493 |
c |
Widows |
Nos. |
41825 |
d |
Disable |
Nos. |
8823 |
e |
Toddy Tappers |
Nos. |
732 |
f |
Beedi Workers |
Nos. |
9457 |
g |
Single Women |
Nos. |
3984 |
b. Self Help Groups (SHGs) |
a |
SHGs |
Nos. |
13299 |
b |
SHGs Members |
Nos. |
137201 |
c |
SHGs Provided with Bank credit |
Nos. |
5216 |
d |
Total Amount of Credit Provided |
Rs.in crs |
106.32 |
22 |
R&B Roads |
a |
Length of the Roads |
Km.s |
620.05 |
23 |
PR Roads |
a |
Length of the Roads |
Km.s |
1919.6 |
24 |
Rural Water Supply (RWS) |
a |
Hand Pumps |
Nos. |
5078 |
b |
Piped Water Supply Schemes Covered Habitations |
Nos. |
800 |
c |
Comprehensive Piped water Supply Scheme covered Habitations |
Nos. |
176 |
25 |
a |
Anganwadi Centres |
Nos. |
1076 |
b |
Anganwadi Workers |
Nos. |
1043 |
c |
Children enrolled |
Nos. |
49715 |
d |
Live Births |
Nos. |
696 |
e |
Still Births |
Nos. |
5 |
26 |
Mission Kakatiya |
No of Tanks |
Nos. |
3494 |
a |
Mission Kakatiya -I |
Nos. |
560 |
b |
Mission Kakatiya -II |
Nos. |
665 |
c |
Mission Kakatiya -III |
Nos. |
393 |
d |
Balance |
Nos. |
1876 |
27 |
Sericulture |
a |
Existing Acreage |
Acres |
130 |
b |
Farmers |
Nos. |
80 |
c |
Mandals |
Nos. |
10 |
d |
Villages |
Nos. |
30 |
e |
Qty. of Cocoons produced/Year |
12.000 ( MTs ) |
f |
Cocoon production/100 DFLs (Average) |
61 Kgs |
g |
A support system to the farmers |
One Technical Service Center at Medak |
h |
Govt. Mulberry Farms and Chawkie Rearing centers |
( 2 ) Nos 1.Ch.Ghanpur and 2.Ramayampet |