Operation Circle: Medak
- This Circle is newly formed after formation of new Revenue Districts in the year June 2017.
- This Circle contains
- (2) Operation Divisions
- (5) Operation Sub-Divisions and
- (20) Operation sections
- In addition to construction and maintenance wings with manpower of 828 of various cadres in the various locations in this District.
- The Consumption of electrical energy is mainly by Agricultural consumers, industrial and domestic services and others.
- The following are the Substations
- (1) No. – 400/220KV SS
- (1) No. – 220/132KV SS
- (9) No.s 132/33KV SS and
- 115 No.s 33/11KV substations existing in this circle supplying through 61 No.s 33KV feeders, with a length of 586C.K.M and 402 No.s 11KV feeders with a length of3776C.K.M and LT line with a length of 12,424 C.K.M existing in this District.
- There are (208) No.s Power Transformers of various capacities, 4869 No.s Single Phase Distribution Transformers, 20,133No.s Three Phase Distribution Transformers existing and continuously serving to meet the energy demand of this District.
The consumer data is as follows:
- Domestic-1,77,382No.s,
- Commercial-17,207No.s,
- LT Industrial-2025No.s,
- Agricultural services-90,521No.s,
- Street light services-2295No.s,
- General purpose services-1380No.s,
- Others-44No.s
- totalling to LT side 2,90,866No.s
- consumers – 262No.s
- HT consumers totaling to 2,91,128 No.s of consumers exist in this circle.
- The daily average energy consumption of this circle is 5 Million Units and the Maximum Demand is 260MW. The majority of consumption is by Agricultural services followed by Industrial services.
- Totaling to Medak circle consumption of 154.9 Million Units/month.

Staff Particulars of TSSPDCL Department